IT Outsourcing

Novapex Technologies has the experience and resources to provide a variety of project outsourcing services. In easy to understand manner, we take your requirements, elaborate requirements to understand business needs and user perspective, build a project plan, execute the project, produce deliverable and then provide support, if needed.

Our excellent project management and technical skills enable us to deliver high quality work, on time and within budget.What makes us succeed in achieving high customer-satisfaction and success-rate is an adoption of a unique approach in software development process which we have devised specially for outsourcing projects.

This approach enables us to get involvement of our clients in each step of a software project from beginning till end. It gives our clients better controlling of outsourced projects and sense of ownership which has helped us in winning highly satisfied customers base.

At the heart of this approach is an extension of a basic unit of Scrum i.e. Sprint. We have innovated two types of Sprints

  • Onshore Sprint.
  • Offshore Sprint.

These two Sprints are interrelated, adaptable and can have variable duration. In the Onshore Sprint the client’s project management team prioritizes and assigns the tasks to Offshore project team. The Offshore team executes the assigned tasks and gives their feedback to the Onshore team, which then becomes the input of the next Onshore Sprint. The Offshore sprint can be conducted on daily, weekly or monthly basis depending on the nature and complexity of project.

This robust approach helps us to efficiently handle client’s requests, requirement changes and ensures the clients an essence of ownership and involvement. All this results in higher customer satisfaction.

We provide a range of IT Services to our esteemed clients to bring innovation and efficiency. Hence all this adds value to their businesses.

  • Application development and maintenance.
  • Systems integration.
  • Legacy re-engineering and modernization.
  • Software testing.
  • Data entry/operations services.

Contact Us

We are happy to help you with our expertise. For inquiries, please contact us.