Store Locator Using Google Maps



The company has a big network of franchises to sell its products. Company was receiving feedback from their clients. Clients like the products but they find it difficult to find the franchises. Company responded to the need and want to provide their customers the ability to find the franchises to their nearest possible locations.


We have provided our client a store locator web application with seamless integration with their existing web portal. We have extended the franchise information with country, city, zip code, latitude, longitude and other required attributes. The application updates the map without page refresh, hence significantly reduces the data communication with between browsers clients and server.

  • Franchise locator based on country, city and zip code criteria.
  • Admin console for manipulating franchise information.
  • Google Map’s markers with beautiful information windows having franchise address information.
  • AJAX based data exchange.
  • Site locator application was also adapted for mobile devices.
  • Responsive layout.

The application helps the company to improve the customer satisfaction and loyalty. It resulted into up to 7% overall sales improvement.


HTML 5, Google Maps API- Google Maps V3, MySQL, JQuery, Bootstrap, JavaScript